Happy Postcrossing FR


Product number: HPC-FR
Happy Postcrossing FR

This card gives a little introduction to the wonderful country of France. World-known for its culinary highlights, it also features a rich history and culture, exciting cities and remote villages. So much to explore between the Alps and the Atlantic Ocean!


Accessory Items

Happy Postcrossing ES
Hola Spain! So much more than sun and beach. The postcard highlights some sights and specialties from North to South.

FR Stamp Flag
The french flag, a little artwork made out of blue, red and white stamps. Vive la France!  

Happy Postcrossing MC
Monaco is the second smallest state in the world, but almost everybody has heard of it! Casino and yachts, fast cars and luxuary all by the blue Mediterranean Sea attract many people, even if just for one day.

Happy Postcrossing BE
Belgium - a small, diverse and interesting country, worth a  "Happy Postcrossing from..." postcard for sure!

Europe Stamp Flag
We enjoy living in a free and united Europe - and we like to support it with this flag postcard, made out of blue stamps of many european countries.  
