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Life of a Postcrosser No.14

Life of a Postcrosser No.14

You know you are a Postcrosser...

...when you know the postal rates for postcards better than the postal worker 

Accessory Items

Let postcards...
Sie machen das Leben einfach ein wenig bunter und freundlicher - Let postcards travel the world! Jeder freut sich über eine schöne Karte mit ein paar netten Worten darauf zwischen all den Rechnungen und Werbesendungen im Briefkasten. Also - let them travel! Abmessung 3,1 cm * 1,4 cm Alle Holzstempel sind von uns designt und werden in Deutschland in kleiner Auflage gefertigt.

10,90 €*
Life of a Postcrosser No.2
You know you are a Postcrosser... ...when your friends and family refuse to visit a souvenir or stationery shop with you, preferring to meet in an hour or two

Ab 0,95 €*
Life of a Postcrosser No.4
You know you are a Postcrosser... ...when you keep explaining to yourself and others why you need more postcards

Ab 0,95 €*
Life of a Postcrosser No.6
You know you are a Postcrosser... ...when you receive postcards from remote corners of the world that you didn`t know even existed

Ab 0,95 €*
Life of a Postcrosser No.8
You know you are a Postcrosser... ...when you get many colorful postcards - even the ones belonging to your neighbors

Ab 0,95 €*
Life of a Postcrosser No.10
You know you are a Postcrosser... ...when your preferred way to spend a rainy Sunday is to write and sort postcards

Ab 0,95 €*
Life of a Postcrosser No.12
You know you are a Postcrosser... ...when your mailcarrier greets you by your name when you see her or him in the street

Ab 0,95 €*
Life of a Postcrosser No.1
You know you are a Postcrosser... ...when a postcard rack attracts you like a strong magnet

Ab 0,95 €*
Life of a Postcrosser No.3
You know you are a Postcrosser... ...when you get strange glances from people when you shop for postcards

Ab 0,95 €*
Life of a Postcrosser No.5
You know you are a Postcrosser... ...when you call postcard writing a hobby

Ab 0,95 €*
Life of a Postcrosser No.7
You know you are a Postcrosser... ...when you plan your travels according to the schedule of Postcrossing Meetups

Ab 0,95 €*
Life of a Postcrosser No.9
You know you are a Postcrosser... ...when your friends get you a stash of postcards as a gift rather than flowers and chocolate (although you might appreciate flowers and chocolate too)

Ab 0,95 €*
Life of a Postcrosser No.11
You know you are a Postcrosser... ...when you met some of your best friends via Postcrossing

Ab 0,95 €*
Happy Postcrossing DE
Happy Postcrossing from Germany! Viele Besucher unseres Shops sind - genau wie wir - begeisterte Postcrosser. Da war es ein logischer Schritt, diesem Thema eine eigene Postkarte zu widmen. Denn darum dreht sich ja alles bei Postcrossing - um Postkarten! Mit Dackel, Brezel, D-Mark und Co kann man etwas Deutschland- Feeling in die Welt schicken.

Ab 0,95 €*