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German Painters

German Painters

May we introduce you to eight German painters. They lived between as early as the year 1471 to 1940. They represent a wide range of different ears, styles and techniques. Yet, their oeuvre still touches people nowadays and makes them visit museums to enjoy the beauty of art.

Accessory Items

Streetart No.1
There is a certain magic when it comes to streetart. You find it as a surprise, free of charge, in all sorts of shapes and styles and colors. Enjoy exploring!

From €0.95*
German Poets
There is a rich history of famous german poets and writers - some names are more famous than others and for sure there are many more next to the eight gentlemen we are presenting here. Perhaps an invitation to explore and find out more?

From €0.95*
German Composers
The music of some of the great german composers is known and loved all over the world. Come and start exploring Bach, Beethoven, Händel and more!

From €0.95*
German Philosophers
Condensed on the space of a postcard, learn about eight German thinkers and philosophers across three centuries. They have all had great inpact on the way of thinking and acting at their times and for the following generations.

From €0.95*
Masking Tape Music
Different composers, musical styles and instruments - and all that combined on one tape! Sounds exciting, what do you think? And the result is really extraordinary - highly decorative and informative at the same time. We just had to get this new favourite tape into the store for you! Price per roll, measures 15 mm * 5m

German Inventors
Letterpress, telephone, motorcycle - we all know them. German inventors across the centuries helped with their research effort to change the world a bit.

From €0.95*