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Look at Germany

Look at Germany

Germany at a glance. Big cities, local attractions, neighbors all brought down to the size of a postcard. Enjoy exploring!

Accessory Items

Germany Map Sticker Set
Greetings from Germany! For your mail all over the world, these beautiful shaped stickers are the perfect decoration and addition. Germany as a sticker. The states are shown in color and so you can easily describe or mark where you are. It is easy and safe to write on the stickers with a ballpoint pen. Should you wish to use a fountain pen or fineliner, make sure to allow some time for drying. This Sticker-Set contains of 50 pieces.  Dimensions: appr. 30 x 45 mm Design by papersisters, Made in Germany.  

Keep calm and discover Germany - No.1
Keep calm - and discover Germany! Get an introduction into some german highlights, habits, specialities and fun facts. This card, No.1 of a whole series of postcards, shows you the map of Germany and its states called Bundesländer. Discover, collect and enjoy!A6 format postcard, 148 x 105 mm

From €0.95*
Inspiring Women from Germany
Nine women from Germany - in their fields, during their lifetime, they achieved remarkable milestones against all odds. Even nowadays we get inspired and enlighted. Version in English

From €0.95*
Delicious Postcrossing Germany
How about something sweet? Or would you prefer a more savory speciality? And a typical drink to go with it? We have combined everything yummy on one postcard. The result is a culinary journey through Germany that makes you want to try all the local specialties.

From €0.95*
Spring Flowers in Germany
Each year in spring, spring flowers please the eye and soul with their colours and variety. Such a treat after winter! Snowdrops, tulips, daffodils and more join the parade - and you can mail them out now! Flower names in German.

From €0.95*
Deutschland - German Landmark Series
From East to West, North to South - the most stunning highlights of Germany on a postcard, following the series of German Landmarks.

From €0.95*
Von Nord nach Süd - North to South
Colourful card of Germany North to South, with tiny symbols for the respective area.

From €1.15*
Castles in Germany Postcard ID Sticker Set
There is a large number of castles that can be vistited and explored in Germany. We bring some favourites on an amazing ID Sticker for your Postcrossing postcards. It is easy and safe to write on the stickers with a ballpoint pen. Should you wish to use a fountain pen or fineliner, make sure to allow some time for drying. This Sticker Set contains of 40 stickers of one design.  Dimensions:  65 x 25 mm  Design by papersisters, Made in Germany.

German Food
If somebody tells you there is no nice food in Germany - do not believe it! This card highlights some of our regional favorites. Mouthwatering.

From €0.95*
Typical German
Typical German things, symbols, specialities!

From €0.95*
German World Heritage Sites 1
A high number of places and sights in Germany has been honoured to be put on the UNSECO list of world Heritage Sites. It is an acknowledgement and, at the same time, an obligation to keep the places for next generations. Lots to explore! This card features the first German sites that were appointed World Heritage status between 1978 and 1987.

From €0.95*
Germany Puzzle to share - Set of 16 cards
A Germany map card puzzle made of 8 different single cards - neat, right? This set holds two complete sets of cards so you can keep one for yourself while using the other one, you share with another postcard addict - many options to use and enjoy these lovely special matching postcards! This set contains of 16 postcards, 8 different designs, two copies each.
