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It has become a tradition over the decades in Germany for children to send letters to Father Christmas or the Christ Child. Dedicated Christmas post offices across the country reply back. The letters are beautifully decorated with christmas stamps and a special cancellation. The word has spread and mail comes in before Christmas from all over the world!

Accessory Items

Typisch Frohe Weihnachten
Merry Christmas! We love all the symbols, specialities and smells around Christmas here in Germany. Hard to resist a Glühwein on a Christmas market or enjoying some homebaked Plätzchen and candlelight...

From €0.95*
Ich wünsch` Dir frohe Weihnachten
The special Christmas postcard for that very special person out there - because Christmas also means showing that you care. In German.

From €0.95*
Button "Frohe Weihnachten"
Frohe Weihnachten - Merry Christmas! This cute button is a perfect little something to make a present extra special! size 25 mm Price per piece

Enjoy Adventszeit
Pre-Christmas season - Advent season. A beautiful and special time, which in Germany is characterized by a variety of events, customs and symbols. This atmospheric postcard brings some of our Christmas flair around the world.

From €0.95*
Simply Merry Christmas Sticker Set
Merry Christmas! This lovely sticker carries a clear message - and a heart. The perfect little something for your Christmas Decoration when it comes to letters, cards and presents.  This Sticker-Set contains of  60 pieces of the same design.  Dimensions:  51 x 10 mm  Design by papersisters, Made in Germany.

Rubberstamp Merry Christmas Reindeer Mail
North Pole, Reindeer, Christmas... yes, it is that beautiful time of the year! We created this iconic round rubber stamp for your Christmas Mail, wrappings and whatever needs a festive touch! Dimension diameter 3 cm All our rubber stamps are our own designs and are manufactured in Germany in small batches.

Wishing Merry Christmas
The story of Christmas. Christmas - we have in mind the cozy family time, presents, great festive meals, some glitter. The history behind why many people celebrate Christmas is truly beautiful and magical!

From €0.95*
Merry Christmas to you
A lovely snowy postcard for lovely people - to wish a Merry Christmas.

From €0.95*
Christmas Stamps Sticker Set
Deco - Christmas - Stamps - Stickers! Oh well, they just have to be on the Christmas mail! In three different motifs, these carefully  designed stickers are great for the decoration of Christmas letters, cards and gifts. Also, you find similar designs as postcards in our assortment, too, if you enjoy matching cards and decoration! This Sticker-Set contains of 60 pieces, three different designs.  Dimensions:  26 x 34 mm  Design by papersisters, Made in Germany.

With Love for Christmas
Show that you care by sending this lovely Christmas postcard!

From €0.95*
Merry Christmas Polar Friends
Let polar bear and penguin be the stars of your Christmas mail! Enjoy sending this lovely cool postcard this season.

From €0.95*
Keep calm Christmastree - No.23
It is a beloved tradition in many families in Germany to pick and cut a nice tree for Christmas. To keep calm is a good advice in case family members have different views on which tree is perfect...

From €0.95*
Button "Merry Christmas"
Merry Christmas! This cute red-and-white button is perfet for the festive season. size 25 mm Price per piece

Städte Flagge * Rarity
First published in 2017

Sold out
Around the world * Rarity
First published in 2017

Zebra * Rarity
First published in 2017

Sold out
Big Letter Germany * Rarity
First published in 2017

Sternzeichen * Rarity
First published in 2019

Keep calm… wash Hands * Rarity
First published in 2020

Ich mag Dich * Rarity
First published in 2020

Pepino * Rarity
First published in 2020

Frauen - Marlene Dietrich * Rarity
First published in 2019

Frauen - Melitta Bentz * Rarity
First published in 2019

Vanillekipferl - a sweet treat that has become a classic in Germany when it comes to Christmas cookies. Recipes may slightly differ, but the taste of almonds and vanilla is characteristic. The smell heavenly when freshly baked. This card might give you a hint! Have a sweet Christmas time. Design exclusive for papersisters by Antonia Immel

From €0.95*
Happy Postcrossing - Merry Christmas
Sending mail for Christmas is a great tradition. Seasons greetings are popular at Postcrossing, too, so here comes the perfect card to send for Christmas!

From €0.95*
A centerpiece for the time before Christmas in most German households is an Advent wreath, Adventskranz. Usually made from evergreens and decorated with four candles it brings light and joy to the magic time to Christmas.

From €0.95*
Christmas is in the Air
Christmas time - beautiful time! Candlelight and bells, festive decorations, treats and of course a Christmas tree. Enjoy the beautiful things and your Christmas mail!

From €0.95*
Christmas Symbols
Sending Christmas greetings via snailmail is a great tradition and for sure a pleasure with this cute festive card! Candy cane, anybody?

From €0.95*
It is a long and lovely tradition to send christmas greetings to dear people near and far to show them that they are important and loved. Join in!  This card is in german.  

From €0.95*
Around January 6th, Epiphany, you can spot groups of children dressed up as Three Magi in many areas of Germany. They walk from door to door, singing songs, collecting money for charities,and blessing the houses. A wonderful start to the year during a dark month!

From €0.95*
Lovely Christmas Mail Sticker Set
Sending mail for Christmas is a beloved tradition and a great way to show that you care. These lovely stickers give your postcards and letters a great finishing touch! This Sticker-Set contains of 2 different designs, 30 pieces each, 60 pieces in total.  Dimensions:  47 x 15 mm  Design by papersisters, Made in Germany.

Christmas Cookies
Mmmh can you smell them? Cookies and cakes, sweet treats to enjoy the cozy time before and at Christmas. In Germany, many regions have their specific variations and the list of ingredients sometimes stays a family secret. Merry Christmas!

From €0.95*
Christmas Postcard
It is a long and lovely tradition to send christmas greetings to dear people near and far to show them that they are important and loved. Join in!   

From €0.95*