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Pretty Flowers - Daffodils

Pretty Flowers - Daffodils

Different shades of yellow, a hint of orange - the daffodils in all their different shapes are lovely to enjoy during springtime. You might spot them in parks, gardens or along the roads or get some for your home - what a beautiful time of the year!

Accessory Items

Happy Postcrossing - Happy Easter
Easter is celebrated in many countries and many regions - and families - have their own specific traditions to celebrate this holiday in spring. No matter if it is in the month of March or April, we love this time of the year. And it is a good opportunity to send a card or two!

From €0.95*
Animal World Penguin
When you ask people about favorite animals, many name penguins. We like them a lot too, admittedly! And are happy to have these two specimens from the large penguin family on board. They are Gentoo penguins and they are looking forward to being sent around the world.

From €0.95*
Braunkehlchen - Bird of the Year 2023
Each year in Germany a "Bird of the Year" is selected. Almost everyone knows the robin - but the whinchat? The title "Bird of the Year 2023" puts the spotlight on this little bird that spends the winter in Africa! And we dedicate an iconic postcard to it.

From €0.95*
Bright Flowers
Fresh green and many bright colors. After the long winter months, the many colorful early bloomers delight us. You can now enjoy and share this special happy feeling with our "Bright Flowers" postcard.

From €0.95*
Wiedehopf - Bird of the Year 2022
Each year in Germany a "Bird of the Year" is selected. In 2022 it is the Wiedehopf - hoopoe. It is quite difficult to spot one of these spectacular birds in Germany - if you see one, it is easy to tell the species. Enjoy.

From €0.95*
Spring Flowers in Germany
Each year in spring, spring flowers please the eye and soul with their colours and variety. Such a treat after winter! Snowdrops, tulips, daffodils and more join the parade - and you can mail them out now! Flower names in German.

From €0.95*
Masking Tape Colour Hearts
Heart to heart. Large, small, different colors - this hearty tape is versatile, a basic for your Washi collection. Price per roll, measures 15 mm * 7 m

Pretty Flowers - Snowdrops
Winter can last long. Then, when the first snowdrops appear in the wintry garden and forest, it is like a promise that spring will come with the awakening of nature. These little flowers are worth a closer look - there are a lot of different types of snowdrops! All of them are simply lovely to look at.

From €0.95*
Spring is in the Air
A colorful selection of spring symbols will bring you that instant spring feeling! Whoever finds this card as a nice surprise in the mailbox will surely be pleased and smile once - at least.

From €0.95*
Pretty Flowers - Tulips
Some tulips make every room look brighter in an instant. Enjoy the varieties and different colours in gardens in springtime. As of now, you can also mail some pretty tulips out to a nice person!

From €0.95*
CardWood - postcard stand
Postcards can be real beauties and just too pretty to hide them in a drawer. Display your gems with a CardWood! These wooden stands are manufactured for us from oak in Germany. Perfect to hold one or two postcards, extra pretty in groups. These CardWoods make a great present, too! Dimensions 60 mm x 25 mm x 25 mm Made in Germany.
