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Summer Basics

Summer Basics

Here comes the summer! A hat, barefoot, an icecream in reach - not much needed to keep us happy! Imagine the sun, fresh cherries and possibly a few days at the beach. Hello summer

Accessory Items

Mailboxes in Summer
Look at these colourful mailboxes from all around the world during summertime! Just the perfect postcard to send to any mail loving person in summer.

From €0.95*
Halloween Mailboxes
Colorful mailboxes in scary and beautiful surroundings - it's Halloween! And this postcard is sure to make recipients especially happy. With spider, bat, ghost and co. How fun! Oh - and - boooo!

From €0.95*
Owl Mailboxes
Look at these colourful mailboxes from all around the world in the late evening! Ooooh and... do you spot all the lovely owls? What a magic sight!

From €0.95*
Keep calm Summer
Keep calm... Summer is in the air! Days full of light and warmth, maybe a little time out - wonderful. Enjoy it, the summer!

From €0.95*
papersisters tape happy postcrossing in summer
Spread the summer vibes via your postcards! Sending your postcrossing postcards has never been so pretty. This tape is designed by papersisters and available exclusively through our shop. Price per roll, measures 15mm * 10m  

Have you ever experienced a St. John's fire the night before St. John's Day on June 24th? Many customs and myths characterize this special time at the beginning of summer.

From €0.95*
The Year - set of 12 months postcards
Enjoy this postcard walk covering all 12 months from January to December with these lovely postcards. For decorations, birthdays, your diary, or just to keep and collect - this set is great for yourself or as a present.  

Autumn Basics
Autumn time is a time filled with fun activities. Carving pumpkins, apple harvest and long walks in the woods enjoying all the wonderful autumn colours are just some examples. While we are all loving the golden autumn days, this time may bring us fog, rain and storms as well. Enjoy!

From €0.95*
Summer Mail Sticker Set
Invite some good summer vibes to your postcards and envelopes! Perfect decoration for this great time of the year where everything seems a bit easier and lighter. This Sticker-Set contains of 2 different designs, 30 pieces each, 60 pieces in total.  Dimensions:  47 x 15 mm  Design by papersisters, Made in Germany.

July - Travel the Year
What a glorious month - hello July! With some days off in sight, warm weather, long evenings and a swim once in a while, everythings seems light and easy. Relax!

From €0.95*
Washi Roll Sticker Astilbe
Shades of Green and Rosé make a stunning combination with flowers and plants! These stunning washi stickers are oh so charming. Various types of lovely flowers and greens are featured in 9 different designs. The single elements measure up to 3-4 cm in diameter. You need a little bit of patience to remove the single elements. We are happy we can bring this special product at least in small quantities to you - perfect for your snailmail, planners or scrapbooking projects. It comes with a reusable protective box. Total number of stickers 90. Made in Japan.

Summer Flower Mail Sticker round
Add some summer flowers to your pieces of mail! For sure they will be greatly appreciated. This Sticker-Set contains of 40 stickers of the same design.  Diameter 30 mm Design by papersisters, Made in Germany.

Happy Postcrossing in Summer
Summer... Who would not enjoy this season. Days of sun and ice cream, a few days off. Whether you spend hours near the water or in the shade of your garden or balcony, everything just seems to be a bit easier in summer. It is even Postcrossing`s birthday so perfect to write some postcards!

From €0.95*
Winter Basics
Winter! Cold weather, warm clothes, hot drinks. So much to do and see at this time of the year! Whether you perpare to try your skiing skills or watch the visitors at the bird feeder, enjoy these months!

From €0.95*
Did you know there is an oak tree in the North of Germany that has its own postal address? That people all over the world can use in case they are looking for a partner? True story that dates back to the 19th century! Enjoy finding out more about the "Bräutigamseiche".

From €0.95*