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Happy Postcrossing DE - 8th Edition

Happy Postcrossing DE - 8th Edition

The journey through Germany continues - the 8th HPC DE version focuses on the country's poets and thinkers - at least a small selection of them. Perfect for representing Germany in the world of Postcrossing.

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German Literature
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German Poets
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Happy Postcrossing DE
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papersisters tape happy postcrossing germany
Postcrossing is very popular in Germany - we are happy to offer you a beautiful tape that features some German icons and greetings to decorate cards sent via Postcrossing. Typical papersisters style included. Enjoy! Price per roll, measures 15mm * 10 m  

DE... Postcard ID Brezel
ID rubber stamp for german postcard IDs - Pretzel. Dimension 4,5 cm * 0,7 cm All our rubber stamps are our own designs and are manufactured in Germany in small batches.

Happy Postcrossing Rhineland-Palatinate
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Life of a Postcrosser No.3
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From €0.95*
Hallo! How do people greet each other in the different corners of Germany? This postcard gives you some hints!

From €0.95*
Postcard ID DE Sticker Set
For the fans of Postcrossing in Germany - cool stickers Airmail style with space for the postcard ID. A highlight on any postcard you send around the world! It is easy and safe to write on the stickers with a ballpoint pen. Should you wish to use a fountain pen or fineliner, make sure to allow some time for drying. This Sticker-Set contains of two different designs, 25 pieces each, with and without space to indicate the current weather conditions. Total number 50 pieces.  Dimensions: 65 x 21 mm and 65 x 24 mm Design by papersisters, Made in Germany.  

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Happy Postcrossing DE - 3rd Edition
May we present the 3rd edition of a "Happy Postcrossing from Germany" HPC postcard! It features well-known buildings and beloved symbols of Germany. 

From €0.95*
More Greetings from Germany Postcard ID Sticker Set
Using these cute stickers on your postcards for Postcrossing will make them shine! These stickers for German IDs feature local specialities and landmarks. It is easy and safe to write on the stickers with a ballpoint pen. Should you wish to use a fountain pen or fineliner, make sure to allow some time for drying. This Sticker-Set contains of two different designs, 20 pieces each, with and without space to indicate the current weather conditions. Total number 40 pieces.  Dimensions: 65 x 25 mm and 65 x 30 mm Design by papersisters, Made in Germany.  

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Typical Postcrossing
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Castles in Germany Postcard ID Sticker Set
There is a large number of castles that can be vistited and explored in Germany. We bring some favourites on an amazing ID Sticker for your Postcrossing postcards. It is easy and safe to write on the stickers with a ballpoint pen. Should you wish to use a fountain pen or fineliner, make sure to allow some time for drying. This Sticker Set contains of 40 stickers of one design.  Dimensions:  65 x 25 mm  Design by papersisters, Made in Germany.

Keep calm and carry on
Keep calm... and carry on! What has been first invented in Great Britain in 1939 during WW2 has become a worldwide slogan. However, in this times of global crisis, we look at these simple words with a different perspective and find them very wise and supportive.

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Deutschland - German Landmark Series
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Von Nord nach Süd - North to South
Colourful card of Germany North to South, with tiny symbols for the respective area.

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Typisch Deutsch Sticker Selection
Typical German... so many symbols and specialties. We showcase them on our german postcards, and here are the matching stickers! Each sheet holds 20 single stickers in a round shape, 2 cm each diameter. Dimensions per sheet 148*105 mm Design by papersisters, Made in Germany
