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German Beer

German Beer

Which drink would you associate with Germany? Most people would answer - beer. This postcard tries to introduce you to some popular types of beer - it is a bit tricky as the local variations are so numerous and wonderful, too! So take this as an invite to further explore the world of beer in Germany. 

Accessory Items

Travel Schloss Neuschwanstein
Neuschwanstein - many stories and myths surround this picturesque castle. Commissioned by King Ludwig II, the imposing structure in Bavaria's Allgäu region is often described as a fairytale castle. It is one of the most visited attractions in Germany and is known far beyond the country's borders.

From €0.95*
Priority Pretzel Set
Do you love Pretzels? Why not send one via your snailmail on a blue Priority Sticker? This Sticker-Set contains of 60 stickers.  Dimensions:  49 x 13 mm  Design by papersisters, Made in Germany.

Happy Postcrossing DE - 7th Edition
A warm welcome to the 7th HPC DE version! This postcard is dedicated to a special event that is often associated with Germany - the Oktoberfest. Year after year it is a great spectacle when the first barrel is tapped in Munich. From roller coasters to gingerbread hearts and brass music, there is plenty to see and experience. Enjoy the Wiesn - enjoy this postcard!

From €0.95*
Keep calm need a Coffee
Keep calm... for many, it needs a good coffee or two to start the day right. It might wake you up or it might calm you down - for sure many people all over the world love their coffee specialities!

From €0.95*
German Sweets
German sweets! Desserts and treats, some are local favorites and some loved across the country. There is something for everybody to try!

From €0.95*
German Drinks
They can refresh you, warm you up or make you slightly dizzy - there is a great variety of drinks that are popular in Germany, often unique to some regions. Come and explore them!

From €0.95*
German Bread and Rolls
The variety of different types of bread and rolls in Germany is large and there is a lot to explore in the local bakeries. From sweet versions to wholegrain, different methods, seasoning and ingredients - it is all there! The postcard shows some alltime favourites.

From €0.95*
Keep calm Pfandflaschen - No.26
Since more than 50 years, retunable bottles, mainly made of glass, are a part of food culture in Germany. The classical bottle for water looks as if it has waterdrops on the outside.

From €0.95*
The art of brewing beer has a long history in Germany. In different regoins, a great variety of types of beer is being brewed. Why not send a beer as a postcard around the world?

From €0.95*
Taste of Germany Postcard ID Sticker Set
From famous Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte to various types of beer - there are a lot of culinary highlights to be tried in Germany. We transfer some delicious favourites on an amazing ID Sticker for your Postcrossing postcards. It is easy and safe to write on the stickers with a ballpoint pen. Should you wish to use a fountain pen or fineliner, make sure to allow some time for drying. This Sticker Set contains of 40 stickers of one design.  Dimensions:  65 x 25 mm  Design by papersisters, Made in Germany.

Oktoberfest - no other event in Germany is probably more famous than this huge folk festival in Munich. Roller coasters, beer, gingerbread hearts, lots of music, traditional costumes and a unique atmosphere - what a spectacle. And with a little luck, you can even get a special postmark for your snailmail! So, plan your visit in advance!

From €0.95*
Typisch Deutsch Sticker Selection - set
Typical German... so many symbols and specialties. We showcase them on our german postcards and here we have the matching stickers! Each sheet holds 20 single stickers in a round shape, 2 cm each diameter. This set contains of 3 sticker sheets. Dimensions per sheet 148*105 mm Design by papersisters, Made in Germany

German Food
If somebody tells you there is no nice food in Germany - do not believe it! This card highlights some of our regional favorites. Mouthwatering.

From €0.95*
Look at Germany
Germany at a glance. Big cities, local attractions, neighbors all brought down to the size of a postcard. Enjoy exploring!

From €0.95*
Typical German
Typical German things, symbols, specialities!

From €0.95*
Keep calm Weizen & Pils - No.14
The variety of different types of beer in Germany is great. They much differ in taste and look. But can you tell the difference when blind tasting different types? Weizen and Pils might be one of the easier ones... Our No.14 in this postcard series - for many it should be the No.1 though!

From €0.95*